

Below is a list of the courses I am teaching currently and the ones I have taught in the past. The courses are sorted by university.

Courses taught at

University of Northern British Columbia

Math 402/602 — Functional Analysis

Fall 2023, Win­ter 2022

Math 436/636 — Partial Differential Equations

Fall 2021, Win­ter 2025

Math 403/603 — Measure Theory

Fall 2021

Math 409 — Mathematical Methods in Physics

Win­ter 2023, Win­ter 2021

Math 336 — Intermediate Diff. Eqs & BVP

Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020

Math 230 — Differential Eqs and BVP

Win­ter 2022, Win­ter 2021

Math 204 — Multivariable Calculus II

Win­ter 2025, Win­ter 2024

Math 220 — Linear Algebra

Win­ter 2023, Win­ter 2021, Win­ter 2020

Math 101 — Calculus II 

Win­ter 2022, Win­ter 2020
An open text­book can be found here

Math 100 — Calculus 1

Fall 2024, Win­ter 2024, Sum­mer 2021, Fall 2019

Math 152 — Calculus for Non-Majors

Sum­mer 2024


University of New Brunswick

MATH 4103/6103 — Measure Theory

Fall 2018

MATH 4023/6023 — Functional Analysis

Fall 2017

Math 3503 — Diff. Eqs. for Engineers

Win­ter 2017, Win­ter 2018

MATH 3043 — Ordinary Differential Equations

Fall 2016

Math 2213 — Linear Algebra I

Win­ter 2018

MATH 2003 — Multivariable Calculus

Fall 2018

MATH 1053 — Enriched Calculus

Fall 2016, Fall 2017

Math 1013 — Calculus II

Sum­mer 2017

American University of Beirut

Math 201 — Calculus III

Sum­mer 2014, Fall 2015

Math 202 — Diff. Equations

Spring 2016

Math 210 — Intro. to real analysis

Spring 2015

Math 211 — Discrete Math

Sum­mer 2014, Sum­mer 2015

Math 212 — Introduction to PDE

Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Sum­mer 2015, Fall 2015

University of Toronto

MAT 235 — Multivariable Calculus

Fall 2013, Sum­mer 2013, Spring 2014

Math 224 — Linear Algebra II

Spring 2014

MAT 135 — Calculus 1 (2 sections)

Fall 2012

University of British Columbia

MATH 317 — Calculus IV

Sum­mer 2009

MATH 256 — Differential Equations

Fall 2009

Traveling fronts for reaction-diffusion equations

Fall 2008

Aix-Marseille Université

The lan­guage of instruc­tion at this uni­ver­si­ty was French.

Traveaux Dirigés for a second year Real Analysis Course

Fall 2008 and Spring 2008

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