Research Supervision

Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Dr. Pierre Aime Feule­fack (2023–2024). Currently, Pierre is Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania.

Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students

  • Thomas Peter­son (NSERC-USRA, Sum­mer 2022). Project: Non­lin­ear inte­gral equa­tions: deter­min­is­tic and numer­i­cal analysis.
  • Kather­ine Saun­der­son (NSERC-USRA, Sum­mer 2021). Project: Inte­grod­if­fer­ence equa­tions and dynam­ics in patchy landscapes.
  • Kather­ine Saun­der­son (NSERC-USRA, Sum­mer 2020). Project: Pop­u­la­tion dynam­ics via reac­tion-dif­fu­sion equations.
  • Hashan­preet Singh (UNBC-ISRA, Sum­mer 2020). Project: Sin­gu­lar Val­ue Decom­po­si­tion with appli­ca­tions in image processing.
  • Der­rick Kir­by (NSERC-USRA, Sum­mer 2018). Project: Gen­er­al­ized Max­i­mum Principles.
  • Der­rick Kir­by (Hon­ors The­sis, UNB 2017–2018). The­sis:  Prop­er­ties of the Gam­ma Func­tion and Rie­mann Zeta Func­tion, PDF.